Riders from the North

I met some good bikers today, down all the way from Michigan to ride the local mountains. We had a great conversation about the local roads. I discovered that they'd been on some of the best ones, pointed them at some others, and gave them some advice about riding the most dangerous ones. "That one's in my fire district," I told them, "so if you screw it up it's me they'll call to come get you." 

They laughed merrily and said not to talk that way. Nobody did call me to come get them, so they must have made it. They said they'd done more than a thousand miles over the last few days, and had as far at least to go again. Good luck to them.


  1. Did you tell them about the Dragon's Tail. Or 178 going down from Rosman/Brevard NC to Pumpkintown in SC. How about hwy 28 from Highlands to Walhalla. Those are all snaky roads. Also 64 going from Highlands to Franklin.

  2. They’d done all of those when I asked. I guess they’re famous roads now, even ‘Moonshiner 28.’ I sent them down Charley’s Creek and 215 to 276, past Sunburst falls along the headwaters of the Pigeon River.
