Justice Sotomayor on Justice Thomas

A remarkable description full of sympathy and kindness, not at all what one might expect from media portrayals.


  1. Well, I give her credit. That's the best I have felt about her since she was nominated. It is testament to the man's simple decency, and to her ability to understand the difference between disagreement and manufacturing evil motives in your opponents.

    A reminder to us all that simple decency has its power.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    ......And we share a basic understanding about people and kindness towards them.....

    Unless you’re a child in the womb,
    Then that person‘s life is snuffed out.

    Her hypocrisy knows no bounds


  3. And with that, "Greg" illustrates AVI's point most beautifully.

    Eric Hines

  4. The whole "personhood" thing strikes me as a philosophical dodge, but that doesn't mean she doesn't believe it somehow. It's clear that what is killed in an abortion is a living human being who is genetically distinct from his or her mother (and therefore also an individual).

    The shift to 'well, but they don't have personhood / they're not really people' is an attempt to create ground for an argument where there shouldn't be any. No definition of "person" should exclude any living, individual human beings. It might be broader -- your cat might qualify, or a dog, or a horse -- but it should never be narrower.

    Still, grant that somehow she believes that unborn children are not people. Then her statement makes sense and may well be true, as far as it goes.

  5. If you believe that environment is everything, and none of us is much of anything until our society makes us into something, then non-personhood is less of a stretch.

    I don't say that is what all prochoice people believe. I simply note that such an approach is clearly a pathway to non-personhood for some people.

  6. Is calling out hypocrisy equivalent to calling them "evil"? It is an attack on the person, in some sense, but framed by their views and the inconsistency within them- so really it's an attack on their arguments. Is this not what we want?

    Tonally, you could contend it's an illustration of that, fair enough.

    Let's not forget that there are evil people in the world, or more accurately, those who fail to push back the evil in their own hearts sufficiently. So perhaps there is room on occasion for that critique as well.

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Turning people into non-persons seems to be a bit of a national past time as of late and is justification for doing all sorts of evil things.....

    This is where religion kicks in

    ......,,,,Other Human Beings Matter.

    “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” “Not my problem to fix.” “Above my pay grade.” “All I can do is focus on myself and my immediate household.” “If other people are scandalized, that’s their problem and their own fault.” “I can’t be arsed.” “This bores me. I’m not interested.”

    This is just a sample of things you hear every day that are not only contrary to the virtue of fraternal charity, but even trying to use its inverse, the vice of indifference and acedia, as a proof of sanctity. Everything must be rooted in charity. Every soul is infinitely precious to Our Lord who knit every man together in his mother’s womb, and incarnated, suffered, died and rose again so that men might be with Him forever in the Beatific Vision.

    ANY blanket statement of indifference or acedia towards one’s fellow man is massively disordered..........


    Abortion is murder no matter how you look at it and sotomayor is put in this position to keep the genocide going


