Independence Day

This year I have had women write to tell me that they don't feel like they can celebrate Independence Day. This strikes me as a strange sentiment; 'I feel our government is so oppressive that I can't celebrate the idea of overthrowing an oppressive government.' This should be the ideal holiday. Go practice handling explosives.

Democrats in general seem to be having trouble this year. Same answer. 

Read again The Spirit of Rebellion. If you're against the government, do something about it. Be free for an hour of your life at least. If you're not, have a barbecue to remember those who once were. Authority turns septic sometimes. Human dignity entails and requires occasional rebellion. 

Perhaps -- so the Church teaches -- it also requires occasional (or even regular) submission to legitimate authority. We can worry about that on another day. Today is the Fourth of July.

Happy Independence Day.


  1. Recalling the conversations with my Romanian friends in the 90s, it is hard for me to credit any claim of how oppressed we are here. Leave that to leftists.

  2. Happy Independence Day!

  3. Eric Blair11:05 AM

    Even Representative Omar got booed by her constituents last night, when she tried to tell them that the US was worse than a refugee camp.

    Since they mostly came from refugee camps, her constituents know better. heh.

  4. There are some bad stories being passed around right now about abortion restrictions. I don't know if they're true stories. Nobody has passed a law that says 'Women with ectopic pregnancies shall not be treated until their Fallopian tubes have burst and they're on the very edge of death and their fertility is destroyed,' but allegedly that is how the laws that were passed are being interpreted in some places. If so, that's pretty oppressive -- even short of death, it's wrong. You can't save the child in an ectopic pregnancy in any case; you ought to save whom you can.

    Hopefully the stories aren't true; and hopefully we are able to attain justice and clarity in the law on reflection. Yet I credit the anger as legitimate among some who have heard and believed these stories, which may well be true.

  5. hopefully we are able to attain justice and clarity in the law on reflection.

    That's one of the beauties of the Supreme Court's ruling: now the citizens of each State will be able to achieve their own justice and clarity.

    Regarding the Left's feeling oppressed [emphasis added]: [W]hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Hopefully Conservatives will achieve a strong measure of that throwing off in a few months.

    Happy Independence Day, and try not to fry or blow up yourselves with your Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations.

    Eric Hines

  6. Anonymous5:51 PM

    happy Independence Day! The smell of meat smokers has risen above the land, and tonight shall be full of loud rejoicing (which had better include putting out any resultant fires before they become serious problems.)

    It's fun to compare the Declaration of Independence with Magna Carta. There's a sense of "You were told 500 years ago not to do this, remember?"

