Forgotten American in Russian Prison

Today it was announced that the American government is apparently offering to trade a major arms dealer for a women's basketball player who smuggled dope into Russia. She's important, you see, because she's a women's basketball player and they are important symbols in the war against America. They are not important because they play basketball. Nobody cares about women's basketball: even the feminists won't make time to actually watch it, as Bill Burr points out (strong language warning, but it's worth it).

As the Washington Post points out, however, she's not the first or only American to fall prey to Russia's strict laws on marijuana. If you're an important symbol to the left, we'll move heaven and earth for you and trade away dire felons to secure your freedom to come home and lecture us about how awful we are. If you're a nobody, well, you're a nobody.

UPDATE: Heh. Apparently this basketball player's "fight for freedom" -- which entails begging Biden to move heaven and earth for her specifically even though she has confessed to being guilty -- is now the cover story of TIME Magazine


  1. Symbolism over reality. Feelings over facts.

  2. I like watching women's volleyball.

    There is a competition among ... athletes, dancers, performers... I'm not sure of the correct term. Strong graceful rhythmic limber shapely costumed performers. Sort of like gymnasts on the uneven parallel bars.

    Men do watch some women's events.

  3. Sure, but how many tickets do you buy? Don’t feel bad about the answer: how many do the women you know but? It’s not your duty to prop up their sports. If the sports really matter to them, they’ll do it.

    I think he’s got a knockdown argument.

  4. raven6:27 PM

    A major arms dealer? Governments have a lot of nerve to be accusatory. - they are by orders of magnitude the leading arms dealers. Sometimes, we just hand the weapons out for free.

  5. I am not telling putin to release her.
