FBI Turns 114

 I had not realized the Bureau was quite that old. And indeed it turns out they aren't: they were founded in 1935 under J. Edgar Hoover as I had thought, not in 1908 as their tweet claims; although there was an earlier Bureau of Investigation that was rolled together with the Bureau of Prohibition in 1933, which then became the root stock of the present bureau.

They're in the news today for the usual reason -- corruption -- but only of course in certain parts of the news media.

The FBI and Justice Department have been accused by “highly credible whistleblowers” of burying “verified and verifiable” dirt on President Biden’s troubled son Hunter by incorrectly dismissing the intelligence as “disinformation,” according to Sen. Chuck Grassley.

The ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee made the explosive claims Monday in an official Senate letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

He insisted the allegations were so serious, they would prove — if confirmed — that both offices were “institutionally corrupted to their very core.”

You can read the Senator's letter at the link.


  1. The FBI has been corrupt since their inception. Their first leader, J. Edgar Hoover, was an in the closet, cross dressing pervert who happened to know where the bodies were buried.

  2. Grassley has been the patient accuser as long as I have been aware of him. I think people wanted to see more fire in the belly from him,but I like this constancy better. We have plenty of sprinters, not many marathoners on the conservative side.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The FBI has become the thing our grandfathers warned us about, a modern day American version of the NKVD where evidence of innocence or guilt is routinely destroyed, lost, misplaced or suppressed depending on the political persuasion of the citizen in question.

    A "law enforcement" department (along with its attendant Kangaroo Court justice apparatus called the DoJ) wholly dedicated to covering up the crimes of it's fellow traveling Kommissar's like Hillary, Brandon, Hunter and the Podesta brothers while almost simultaneously raiding the homes and offices of people like Roger Stone, Michael Cohen and Jeffrey Clark.
