
Just this weekend I was telling somebody about how in Israel there are two different McDonald’s. One has the red sign you know, one blue but otherwise the same. The major difference is that the blue McDonald’s won’t serve you a cheeseburger. 

The reason is that blue McDonald’s is kosher, and there’s some law against mixing meat and milk in the stomach in the Jewish tradition. I didn’t go — not to either species of McDonald’s, preferring to eat the local cuisine. I wonder if they’d serve you a milkshake as long as you didn’t also order a burger. 


  1. Kosher forbids preparing meat and dairy together. So you can get a milkshake at a kosher McDonald's in Israel, but they are served at a counter separate from (and prepared in a kitchen independent of) the main one.

  2. Thank you for that. I was curious.

  3. It is based off "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk." Exodus 23:19; Exodus 34:26, and Deuteronomy 14:21. The Talmudic teaching is that if something is mentioned once, it is only required for that single situation; twice, it applies to some situations; thrice, it applies to all situations; so in this case, all meat, all milk, not just own mother, own species.

  4. Good song.

  5. Very interesting, AVI. Thank you.
