Ave, Abe

Shinzo Abe, a longstanding firebrand of a Prime Minister in Japan, was assassinated yesterday while giving a campaign speech for a party member. [Link is to the Wall Street Journal, but pick whatever paper you'd like: this story tops all the major ones today.]

Abe was one of those foreign leaders often described by our press as 'conservative' even though he doesn't fit an American mold very well at all. He was the reason that Japan is as well-positioned as it is now to resist a resurgent China, keeping its 'self-defense forces' as close to being capable of real military operations as he could without violating Japan's pacifist constitution. Under his watch, Japan began building what was obviously a power-projection capacity, including its first aircraft carrier since World War II.

He was also a nationalist and a patriot, the kind who is willing to forgive his country for its sometimes-intense sins in order to celebrate its genuine glories. As far as I know he was unapologetic about this habit of character unto his death. A 'habit of character' of such strength in moral matters is either a virtue or a vice in Aristotelian terms; Abe was loved or condemned depending on what judgment individual people had of which category his habit properly belonged.

Though he was thereby an American ally, he was always Japanese first, as he ought to have been. Loyal to his ancestors and his people, he passes now to face a better judgment and a final one. 


  1. The important question is, Is the Army involved? Is it 1936 all over again? What next? China? Russia?

    If we are lucky this is the doing of single lunatic.

  2. The assassin is reportedly a former “navy” man (SDF Maratime). But it’s not a coup; Abe was only a former PM. Except for speeches and campaigns his career was over and he exercised no formal power. It’d be like shooting Bill Clinton (but not like shooting Trump, as he could run again).

  3. NPR had the audacity to tweet about the assassination by describing Abe as a "...divisive arch-conservative..."

    Then they deleted it and *one upped themselves* by calling him an "Ultranationalist"

    Repugnant behavior from our "national" government funded media.

  4. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Is this the USA exporting Arkanside?

    The puppet Biden and his Globalist Neocon handlers are pining for war with Russia.

    The globalists are panicking.

    The globalists are desperate.

    The globalist economies are in a financial crisis.

    The globalist militaries are running out of infantry, armor, and ammunition.

    There is an incipient split in the G7, most likely between those who want to negotiate a peace settlement (Japan and Italy) and those who don’t (USA, UK, Canada).

    France is leaning toward the former and Germany is leaning toward the latter.

    The neo-liberal rules-based world order will not survive either
    a) a peace settlement with Russia or
    b) a war with the Sino-Russian alliance.

    Therefore, gambling on c) defeating Russia while avoiding war with China is the globalists’ preferred option.


    Is Biden's sale of oil to China from our national reserve a
    Kickback or down payment or both?

    Is Biden's Removing Trump's China Tariffs when our coffers are empty a Kickback or down payment or both?

    Could there be a promise of more USA election meddling by China on Biden's behalf?

    Was Abe being a champion of peace with Russia? Is that why he was being offed?

    Would the Chinese benefit from Abe's death?
    is it a Kickback or down payment or both?

    Smells similar to the assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria before WWI


  5. Claire Lehmann on Abe:


  6. Anonymous10:30 AM


    I don’t Agee with statement by Claire

    .....The alliance of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States—the 4-nation Quad—will live on after Abe's death.......

    India is with China and Russia because of oil. They figured they can get everything they need from China and Russia and they don’t need to Bow down to Global homo...... Sounds like a winner to me

  7. China doesn't have oil. They're in direct competition with India for oil coming from the Middle East. For a long time India was neutral because their natural proximity to the Middle East gave them first pick of what came down those shipping routes. Chinese naval construction in Pakistan and on the Horn of Africa threatens to give China the determining hand in where the oil goes, and control of the seaways.

    The only alternative for India is the US Navy. Whether the US Navy remains up to the task remains to be seen.

  8. Anonymous12:06 AM

    A Picture is worth a 1000 words and this tweet is good.


    And one must remember that India and Japan were two countries that dropped the Jabb during the pandemic and went to Ivermectin with great success, surely the Global Homo world economic forum, Pharmaceutical crowd is happy at that. Too many healthy people!

    That may have something to do with the Japanese leaders being targeted for death

    The US Navy is not really up to the task in my opinion.

    1.Their Covid vaccination rules just took out about a Vietnam War’s worth of soldiers.


    2. About half of the US population reads at grade seven level or below – how’s that going to work with some complicated weapon’s instruction manual?


    so just be a good soldier and comply!

    ...We now consecrate the bond of obedience.
    Assume the position.
    Thank You Sir May I Have Another....


    Thats it for tonight

