An American Gunfighter

Hero bystander stops mall shooting in Indiana.
"The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop that shooter almost as soon as he began," [Police Chief Jim] Ison told reporters during a press conference on Sunday night.

Well done. 


  1. And a man some would say was only barely old enough to own a pistol- or any gun at all, in the minds of a few. Good thing he was 22 and not 20, or more people would be dead, in spite of Indianans wish that 18 be the age limit.

  2. I'm pleased that even the mall owners openly praise him, though they're obviously aware that he was violating their own rule against bringing in a weapon. Good for them for at least implicitly admitting they were wrong. They could have gotten away with fudging on this.

    Looks like this guy's girlfriend found herself a keeper.
