Let's Check in on the Department of Justice

Just a collection of news here.

Buzzfeed (BF): Secret DOJ report clears itself of political wrongdoing in Gen. Flynn unmasking

AP: Clinton lawyer cleared of wrongdoing in Durham case

Fox: Former US Attorney Brett Tolman: "There is not a single district court in this country other than Washington, D.C., where this [Clinton lawyer acquittal] would have happened."

WLTX: A Year and a Half Later, More People from the Carolinas now being arrested by DOJ in January 6th probe. "The FBI and prosecutors with the U.S. Department of Justice are not slowing down their effort to track the hundreds of people believed to be involved in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol."

The Guardian (UK): DOJ Appears to be Investigating Donald Trump


  1. Department for Just Us.

  2. They do seem to have adopted the platform of using the law as a tool of politics: relentlessly pursuing and punishing the out group, blessing and clearing members of their in group.

    I notice also that the DC circuit plays an important role here. The partisan mix among jurors is intense and reliable. All the J6 cases can be prosecuted there, and all the Durham cases, assuring the correct outcomes even when an actual jury must be involved. I read Sussman’s jury featured the mother of one of his daughter’s school teammates.

    If you had to bring these cases to a court out in America, you’d have to prove the cases to a jury. DC allows political preferences to do the work.

  3. NB that, except for the one link to FOX, these sources are all mainstream to left. This is not hostile partisan reporting on their efforts.
