Harsh but fair

How predictable it was that the United States fled Kabul, abandoning not just billions of dollars worth of sophisticated weapons to terrorists, but also with Pride flags flying, George Floyd murals on public walls, and gender studies initiatives being carried out in the military ranks. Ask yourself: if a general during the Afghanistan debacle had brilliantly organized a sustainable and defensible corridor around Bagram Airfield but was known to be skeptical of Pentagon efforts to address climate change and diversity would he be praised or reviled?


  1. As I mentioned in a recent post of my own, you don't get fired for bad military decisions.

  2. You definitely will for being politically out of step, though.

    Fortunately there’s no other power where politics isn’t equally likely to prevent solid military leadership from being in place. The problem is just as bad in China or Russia.

    If anyone figures out how to select for talent instead of political submission, they’ll sweep the field.
