End of Roe

I have not had a chance to read the decision yet, let alone the concurrences and dissent, but if you wish to discuss it in the meantime here is a space.

UPDATE: The Justice Department is appalled and determined to do everything it can to oppose this decision.

UPDATE: Seen on FB.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Today is a good day. A curiosity of mine would be if all the state constitutional amendments that were overturned due to Roe are now valid.

    Stc Michael

  2. A very good week, with the Bruen decision supporting 2A rights and now Dobbs.

  3. And Carson, opposing religious discrimination.

  4. On the other hand, we got SCOTUS permitting "double jeopardy" seemingly in direct contradiction of the Constitution, (Denezpi). Also the high court affirmed qualified immunity for "border control" agents, which (again, seemingly, at least to me) reduces the 4th Amendment privacy rights to 2nd class status, at least for citizens within 100 miles of the border (or sea coast.)

    A mixed bag, but we gotta celebrate what we can.

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Take Note:

    Not only was Roe overturned on the day we Roman Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but every other year it will fall on the Nativity of John the Baptist, who recognized the humanity of Jesus Christ in the womb.

    The Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary:
    Visitation of Mary to Saint Elizabeth


  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Its back to the states where it belongs.

    We as a nation, were formed as a Republic consisting of the individual sovereign states of which, there are now 50.

    If any state's population wishes for on-demand abortion to be banned that is their prerogative. If another wishes for (all the way up to partial birth abortion) to be completely legal within its borders, that is theirs.

    My opinion of the practice has not changed.
