Cyberpunk 2022

A hit video game at the present moment is Cyberpunk 2077, which is tightly based on an old role playing game from the 1980s called Cyberpunk 2020. (Tightly enough that the original rulebook's sample adventure is actually portrayed in the game.)  The game was based on fiction by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, later filled out by others like Walter John Williams

How close are we to that world? There are occasional stories about people figuring out how to integrate computers with human neural networks; last week there was a story about the Japanese figuring out how to make living, self-healing skin. Political theorists worry about it. You might find a lot of comparison between the original sources' concerns about corporate power (and continuing trouble from Russia, especially where hacking and aggression are concerned) and the real world we inhabit.

Amusingly, though, when they set out to build 'dark future' gas prices for the 2077 game they did so during the Trump administration. As a result, fuel prices in the game are lower than they are today.

It's not quite gasoline, though; the fuel is CHOOH2, an alcohol fuel similar to the ethanol the Biden administration has decided to choke us with. It'll destroy your engines if the engine wasn't specifically designed for it, as most engines aren't at even the 15% Biden is mandating -- let alone a pure alcohol fuel. It's especially destructive to small engines, motorcycles, and watercraft.


  1. Specifically, the gasohol blends are murder on campsite and home backup electrical generators.

    So, if mandated windmill power require rolling blackouts, the mandated gasohol rules require everyone suffer comparably.

    The grasshoppers, of course, suffer, but the diligent ants who have made preparations ALSO suffer, ha ha ha, because the money and foresight devoted to generators is mooted.
    The grasshoppers actually suffer less because they (unlike ants) don't have a freezer full of meat (venison? wild turkey?) to involuntarily defrost and go bad.

  2. One can smoke and dry meat if necessary, but yes. I have a big freezer and a small freezer, full of venison and pork and beef and turkey (some chicken, but that's hard to keep on hand because some people in this house like it too much).

  3. As I understand it, the E15 fuel rule isn't as bad as I first feared. What Biden is mandating is that E15 be available all year not just in the winter. Apparently E15 is in a different pump so it's easy to avoid.

    Now, all this is based on a CNN article so take it for what it's worth. According to the article, Trump tried to do the same thing and was blocked by the courts - it will be interesting to see if the Biden move is also blocked. And I think it’s cute that the Biden Administration wants us to know that what he’s doing is, like, you know, totally diff than what Trump tried to do. Honestly, politicians are worse than 3rd graders. (I said that to a friend when we were discussing this and he told me to stop insulting 3rd graders.)

  4. Because of fertilizer shortages and the war between the breadbaskets in Eurasia, we are also looking at food shortages. Great time to turn food into fuel, eh?
