Cracks in the California blue

Chesa Boudin, the "DA" from San Francisco, went down in flames in his recall election. Republican Caruso has a narrow early lead in the race for mayor of Los Angeles.


  1. All that money spent to elect someone who will engage in nonfeasance and refuse to fulfil his duty, and the ungrateful voters tossed him out after such a short time.

  2. They barely gave him a chance to dismantle his corrupt society.

  3. The problem with Boudin was that he was raised by Bill Ayers, formerly of the Weather Underground, as were his parents who spent decades in prison.

  4. The LA Mayor race has Caruso widening his lead slightly to 42-37 with a bit over a third of the votes counted.

    That leaves to small a split for the other candidates to be worth considering how many of those remaining 21 points were for one of those lesser candidates and how many were against either or both Caruso and Bass. November will be interesting there.

    Eric Hines

  5. So being in L.A., this was an interesting election. Electioneering was almost completely mailers, except for the challenging candidate in my city council district (where I had the pleasure of choosing from an old machine Dem or a young leftist Dem). Mostly no one paid much attention except the leftists, and a few Union types, judging by yard signs. There was I think one Mayoral debate, and Caruso did well, but wasn't overwhelmingly good. What's been interesting is that he managed his campaign well, and had tv ads more than others, where he also got endorsements from people you might not expect such as Snoop Dog and Gwenyth Paltrow. I think that will help him with a lot of the moderate Dems who don't pay much attention to politics.

    The media seem to know that if they mostly ignore the elections, people will just keep electing Democrats without much question, so they really don't cover it a whole lot. I had no idea most of the names of the GOP candidates prior to doing my own research for the election, and many were old retreads that never did well in the first place.

    Ultimately I think Caruso has a very good chance because Bass is terrible and he should be able to reveal that in a debate or two.

    I was disappointed that Mike Shellenberger was only able to get single digit support in the Governor's race.

    The CA GOP is mostly useless. They make no recommendations or endorsements in the primaries, despite the fact that in a jungle primary as we have, that's a *huge* disadvantage to the party. Of course, the national GOP is no better, always assuming CA is hopeless and never doing anything to help things here, despite the fact this state is often the originator and developer of the cancers that later spread around the country.

    oh well.

  6. I should add that while the Boudin ouster was encouraging, as was Sheriff Villanueva leading the primary (he's the only sane politician in L.A. County, and has stood against the establishment several times in the last few years), the numbers in general led me to suspect that we're not in for a great fall election despite what the rest of the country may get in reaction the the Biden administration debacle. I think too many conservative Californians left in the last couple years and made us worse off electorally.
