
I have just been made aware that there is an annoying captcha requirement on comments for some people. I’m not sure why. According to the settings page I have that turned off. 

To whit:

Any ideas on why it’s bothering some people and not others? Or how to keep it from bothering anyone, more to the point?


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Testing.... no captcha... greg

  2. I've noticed that I often don't get a captcha on my first comment for the day, but the second and later comments seem to get them. I haven't tracked this to be sure; it's just the way it seems to happen. Let's see if I get one on this.

  3. No captcha on that one. Let's try another.

  4. Ah well. So much for my theory.

  5. You might ask which Browser people are using. I typically use Brave, but it and Blogger don't always play well together. I had that episode happen to me earlier today on Sarge's page. I thin I was using Brave, but am not sure. My other browser I use is Firefox. Haven't had any episodes there yet. Hope this helps.

  6. I sign in through Blogger / Google to comment, so it may accept that in lieu of a captcha. I use Brave on the PC, but Safari on the phone because it’s the only browser that will still accept the 3rd party cookies Blogger requires for the sign in.

  7. I am on Firefox, and weirdly it not asks me for captcha when I comment on my own Blogger site. These has happened occasionally and temporarily in the past.

  8. I'm on Brave.

  9. Test with Firefox, signed in via Google, using the Name/URL option in "Choose an identity" below.

    Selecting either "... (Google Account)" or Name/URL gets me the "I'm not a robot" test. Checking that box gets me a green check, just as my test in the post below, with my not logged in, did.

    Eric Hines

  10. Testing with Microsoft Edge, signed in via Google, using the Name/URL option in "Choose an identity" below.

    Selecting either "... (Google Account)" or Name/URL gets me the "I'm not a robot" test. Checking that box gets me a green check.

    Eric Hines

  11. Testing with Microsoft Edge, not logged in at all, using the Name/URL option in "Choose an identity" below.

    Selecting either "... (Google Account)" or Name/URL gets me the "I'm not a robot" test. Checking that box gets me a green check.

    It may be that we're always going to get the "Prove you're not a robot" box as a glorified ENTER or SUBMIT button button. The "Prove..." does have the advantage of also having a Preview option.

    Eric Hines

  12. I usually use Chrome (mobile and Windows), almost always logged into Google, and I rarely get captchas and only slight more frequently get the 'not a robot' box. I haven't seen one here for years.

  13. I meant to indicate that I haven't had to do a captcha or click the box here.

    Interestingly, for a month or so the comment entry form disappeared on my mobile Chrome browser (ancient Droid) unless I selected to view the non-mobile site. After entering that last comment it has reappeared with no captcha box, a publish button, and a recaptcha warning.

  14. I use Brave, and it always shows me a Captcha box, but when I remember to ignore it and click "post," as far as I can remember it lets me skip the boxes.

  15. In fact, today it lets me skip the "I'm not a robot" check.

  16. No clicking photos today. My guess is it will just randomly happen sometime in the future, then go away. that has been what happened before.

  17. This is the longest streak I've ever had here w/o getting a captcha.

  18. Anonymous1:36 PM

    My own test, with Firefox.

    Simply skipping the "I'm not a robot" checkbox returned me, without comment to this comment box, unsubmitted.

    Checking the checkbox gets me, promptly, the green check. For me, that's not anything to worry about.

    Eric Hines
