
We got a wild hair and painted the living room a deep orange with green trim.

This is the view from our upstairs bedroom, across the stair landing and into the upper part of the living room:


  1. I dunno, Tex. That's awfully close to UT orange. :+)

    Gorgeous work. Are there pictures of y'all painting that cathedral ceiling?

  2. I really is pretty close to UT orange, funny in a completely non-UT household.

    We hand-stained and hand-tung-oiled all that tongue-and-groove pine down at ground level when we built the house 16 years ago, and have never touched it since. I assure you we weren't the ones on ladders installing it after it was stained and oiled! This time, we weren't even the ones painting the high walls.

  3. I was so focused on the paint I missed the wood - just gorgeous. And very smart to stay off those ladders then and now.

  4. The interior doors came from a salvage yard in Houston. They may have come from Rice University: they're the right style. We hand-stripped and tung-oiled those, too.

  5. My father's favorite color was orange, which is rather unusual as a matter of taste. It can be quite attractive, though.

    Speaking of UT and also of departed, beloved male relatives, my uncle on my mother's side was literally buried in a UT coffin. That's "University of Tennessee," in this case. They had the good taste not to paint it that orange, though it did have a UT logo on the side of an otherwise somber casket.

  6. All the wood is gorgeous, Tex.

    Grim, my mother loved orange as well although her favorite, favorite color was green. A friend of mine has her orange mid-century modern sofa in his living room. ("Mid century modern" always cracks me up - to me, it's just the furniture I grew up with.)

  7. Of course, I may be biased, as orange is my favorite color, too, and I do love celeste green- reminiscent of shutters on the Mediterranean coast of Italy and France.
