An America Unready for War

For the first time in decades, America appears to be facing wars it is in no way ready to fight. In Europe, we have suddenly deployed tens of thousands of additional troops with no clear end-state.
The number of American troops in Europe has risen sharply in the four months since Russia invaded Ukraine, from about 65,000 in mid-February to 100,000 today.

That increase, one of the most rapid U.S. military buildups on the continent in the post-Cold War era, has no clear end date or any obvious metrics to determine when troops could come home or be repositioned to other theaters such as the Indo-Pacific.

Instead, their mission is to deter further Russian aggression and prevent any attack on NATO territory. That goal will prove difficult to measure and could justify a years-long mission as Russia and Ukraine settle into a slow, bloody war of attrition in the Donbas.

The long-term consequences for the U.S. and its foreign policy priorities could be significant, some analysts say, because Washington likely can’t afford to maintain such troop levels in Europe over the long haul without sacrificing resources in the Pacific.

Speaking of the Pacific, Taiwan is facing increasing threats from Beijing, which is also loudly opposed to American military activities in the South China Sea

We don't have the force structure for a two-theater conflict at this time, not even if one of them is limited to 'reassuring' Europeans with increased presence. We aren't going to get it, either, because recruiting has become a serious challenge in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle -- and the refusal by the military to hold anyone accountable. 

“This is the start of a long drought for military recruiting,” said Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr of the Heritage Foundation, a think tank. He said the military has not had such a hard time signing recruits since 1973, the year the U.S. left Vietnam and the draft officially ended. Spoehr said he does not believe a revival of the draft is imminent, but “2022 is the year we question the sustainability of the all-volunteer force.”

The pool of those eligible to join the military continues to shrink, with more young men and women than ever disqualified for obesity, drug use or criminal records. Last month, Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville testified before Congress that only 23% of Americans ages 17-24 are qualified to serve without a waiver to join, down from 29% in recent years.

An internal Defense Department survey obtained by NBC News found that only 9% of those young Americans eligible to serve in the military had any inclination to do so, the lowest number since 2007. 

Things are so bad that the Army is dropping the requirement for a high school education -- not even a G.E.D. will now be required. Retention is also bad, with big bonuses being pondered as a means of trying to keep the people who have been willing to serve in the past. The Army is also fronting cash bonuses for new recruits -- up to $50,000 just to join the Army. In spite of the economy being terrible, and worsening, military service is not appealing with the command environment so broken. 

It's hard to remain a great power when your people stop being willing to fight for you, but it is a problem the US Federal Government has brought upon itself. If they cannot restore confidence, and find ways to educate youth to want to serve -- and to have the physical capacities to do so -- they will not remain a power that bestrides the world. 


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Why would anybody wanna fight for a military that is hell bent on child killen


  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Why would you work for a military that wants to force you to take an experimental, abortion tainted, Vaccine and if you don’t, your systematically marginalized And eventually thrown out of the military?

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Why would you want to work for a military that is forcing you to take a vaccine that is killing so many people?

    Go to the linked website it’ll make you sick..

    Can’t trust a military that’s pushing this crap


  4. Those are certainly good reasons for you not to join the Army, though you may be a little old. A reason very commonly cited is apparently fear of PTSD: they've been taught that military service makes you a crazed and broken person.

  5. Anonymous1:35 PM

    And let’s not forget the Eugenics crowd who want to wage war against their own people....... why would you want to fight for somebody who is trying to snuff out your family?

  6. You should learn to follow James' advice and read these studies yourself instead of taking somebody's word for what they say.

  7. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Lets face it, when your doctor has the right sorts of Morals in the Military, and they get fired for doing the right thing.... Why put your self in the care of morally compromised doctors that remain in the US Military?

    I have also noticed a pattern with your blog
    When you don't like the answers your getting you quickly through up two or more posts to move this down from being the latest.......


  8. Your observational skills are as remarkable as your commentary. I post new things almost every day, whether or not I like the discussion going on; that's how a blog works.

    Also, I don't run this place for the opportunity to listen to grown men whine about it. I've told you before that you can leave if you don't like it, and that's just as true today as it was the last time I said it.

  9. Greg's response is classic, thinking that our actions are all about him.

    And thanks for adding to my list of sites to stay away from.
