War and Taiwan

CDR Salamander says that war isn't necessarily inevitable, but the need to prepare for one is -- especially if we want to avoid one.


  1. He's not wrong. It doesn't help that the transformationalists sold us $50 billion of ships that don't suit the purpose - LCS and DDG-1000 - or that the divest to divert crowd is in charge of the Navy budget.

  2. Yes, true.

    I've been trying to interest the Navy in a project to prepare for this conflict for several years. Everyone I get to talk to about it says it's a great idea that we should have been doing for years now; somehow it never gets anywhere at PACOM or at the Department of the Navy. The last I heard they wanted to talk again in August about maybe including it in exercises for next year as a 'proof of concept,' and then possibly consider considering taking initial steps the year after that.

    Bureaucracy is a killer.
