It's the kind thing to do


  1. Compassionate.

    I read the draft opinion today. It's very well reasoned from an Originalist, Texualist perspective. It won't be at all convincing to someone who rejects that interpretive structure, but from Alito's perspective it's a very solid argument.

    It was a nice touch that he cited RBG's approach to establishing whether an unenumerated right should be considered implicit in the text, and then applied it faithfully to the 14th Amendment proposed grounding in Roe.

  2. Yamiche Alcindor: "I’m in Mississippi outside the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the abortion clinic at the center of the SCOTUS case. While conservatives are celebrating the possible end of Roe v. Wade, some women here tell me they feel 'gutted,' 'devastated,' and 'like someone has died.'"

    Let's definitely not think about who has died. Those gutted, devastated feelings are very bad.

  3. It is as if someone -- perhaps a few million someones -- have died.
