A Revealing Press Conference

Jen Psaki says that the President supports no limits on abortion whatsoever, and refuses to condemn people who are posting maps to the homes of Supreme Court Justices.

The Supreme Court put up barricades today, making it now the case that all three constitutional branches of the Federal government feel the need for walls to protect themselves from their own citizens. 

With some justice:


  1. The tweet that you captured from the British Game designer Gywnn, with the caption:

    "With some justice"

    At first I thought you had written "With hopes for some justice"

  2. Psaki isn't alone in her disdain for law and our Constitution.

    President Joe Biden (D) through his Press Secretary Jen Psaki:

    Q Why not criticize this leak?
    MS. PSAKI: Again, because I think what is happening here, and what we think is happening here, is there's an effort to distract from what the actual issue here—

    MS. PSAKI: And we are not—we are working not—to not allow that to be the distraction.

    Additionally, Congressman Adam Schiff (D, CA):

    I don't care how the draft leaked. That's a sideshow[.]

    Laws are just distractions, sideshows, to be set aside, to be ignored, whenever they become inconvenient.

    Progressive-Democratic Party politicians' disregard for the protection that laws give (Senator Mark Warner (D, VA) says he abhors the illegality of the leak, but he's a tiny minority of Party) against the vagaries, whims, egos of men and the preference for those vagaries, whims, egos—so long as it's the right men who have them—need to be kept firmly in mind.

    Eric Hines
