Will no one rid us of this pestilent free-speecher?

Can Elon Musk be stopped? They'll pull out all the stops to try. He's an existential threat, according to their own sniveling, hysterical complaints. Tyrants throughout history have seen this clearly.
If you are offering policies that really benefit nobody but yourself, you have to lie about them, and you must prevent anyone from complaining about it.


  1. I doubt Twitter is half as important as they seem to think. If he did succeed, they’d just stop using it.

  2. If all the people who want censorship stopped using it, so much the better. That would leave the rest of the world a place they could chat unmolested, if they chose.

  3. They can do that here. Blogspot even lets you complete whole paragraphs or essays if you wish.

  4. Who, and how many of those against Musk and by extension unfettered free speech were, not so long ago, also avid supporters of "net neutrality"?

    I ask because the deployment of Musk's "StarLink" moots many of the "net neutrality" arguments. If, as they once claimed, the information superhighway was limited and crowded, then the spirit of fairness dictated that some sort of traffic cops take over and ration and schedule and manage and administrate and allocate and "fairly share" that limited resource. But, if anybody anywhere can get internet access at roughly the same price as AT&T charges in Washington D.C. -- well, it's like driving in the wide-open desert. Not worth setting up a toll booth...

    Seems like in both that case and now Musk is a liberator.

  5. "Elon Musk will not save free speech online. Even if his intentions really are good ones, the scale of the problem goes beyond one platform. And free speech online is too important to rely on the benevolence of billionaires. But his attempted takeover of Twitter has already done us a great service, in revealing how important censorship now is to America’s permanently hysterical elites." https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/04/15/why-elon-musk-has-rattled-them/
