
What we often call The Blizzard of ‘93 came in April, so it’s not like I have never see this before. I’ve seen it once. 


  1. I remember that. My stepmother was on her deathbed, and my South Carolina cousins would have liked to fly in.

  2. I'm sorry about that. Where I was it was a happier occasion; trees fell under the weight of the snow, but otherwise it was good. Our little part of Georgia was cut off from the world, and for two days no cars could drive on the dirt roads; but my friends could walk them, and so we had a time of peace and liberty when would otherwise have been in school.

    1. I was living in Sylva then. Three feet of snow, Mt. Pisgah got five feet and broke a record. We were building a log cabin up on Laurel Mountain, overlooking Panthertown Valley. We went up there to check on it and there was about four feet of snow up there. The sheriff at the time, I think it was Bob Allen, initiated martial law from 8pm until 5 or 6 am until some of the snow melted off. If you were caught on the road, it was off to jail, no excuse excepted.

      My truck was parked on the edge of Hwy 74 in front of my buddy's house, on the long flat straightaway after Dark Ridge Rd, and when I finally dug it out, I had to clean the packed snow out of the engine compartment and also out of the cab. There was a foot of snow inside the cab on the floorboard.

  3. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I got out of Atlanta just a few hours before the storm arrived. I missed all the "fun." But I got to hear the stories later. Like how the air traffic controllers at Dekalb-Peachtree still felt the floor rocking after they got home from a shift in the tower.

