Quit showing our evidence to people

If I understand the problem correctly, the DNC worries that leaks from the January 6 witchhunt are causing voters to care even less about the agenda they hoped to push just in time for the mid-terms. If they'd been able to keep the evidence under wraps, it would been much more convincing later when they finally decided to unveil it with the proper dramatic flourish. Voters stubbornly keep telling pollsters they couldn't care less and wish their representatives would focus on inflation and the economy.

The only solution I can think of is to censor discussion of irrelevancies like inflation and force everyone to focus on the approved narrative.

Speaking of inflation, Chuck Schumer has a brilliant solution: raise taxes. Schumer didn't try to explain how raising taxes could curb inflation, but the WSJ notes that it's a recognized tenet of Modern Monetary Theory or, as I like to call it, Magic Money Tree. The theory is that raising taxes "removes spending power from the rest of us." Of course, it hands that spending power over to the government, which cheerfully indulges it, but because the money will be spent on things like solar panels it doesn't lead to inflation. That's where part of the Magic comes in. I think the idea is that you decrease demand (you won't) without decreasing supply (again no). As I see it, you decrease demand from citizens while matching it with demand from the government, so no net change in demand, and you decrease supply because government spending is never as economically efficient as citizen spending. At best you leave supply unchanged; I sure can't see how you increase it.

November can't come too soon. Mad economics must be voted out of office.


  1. Normal people and by that I mean at least 80% of the voting population, haven't cared about Jan 6th since...well, the evening of Jan 6th.

  2. It's vaguely amusing that they keep bringing this J6 stuff up like people can be convinced to care about it. 'Some troubling text messages were sent!'

    Even if you don't read Julie Kelly's stuff -- and if you do, the whole thing looks like a FBI put-up job for which the FBI put-up job 'kidnap' plot 'against' the Governor of Michigan was a trial run -- there's no way to get excited about the case they're making.

  3. There were a few seriously bad people in the J6 crew, some of them with organisational skills. But you could say that about virtually any group in the country. The Presbyterian Church has 'em. Sam's Club has 'em. Lone Star College has 'em. J6 may even have had them in greater concentration than average. People who like chaos are attracted to groups that look like bringing chaos, after all.

    Yet I have to think that Moral Panic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_panic), an evil that exists mostly in its opponents' minds and is paradoxically encouraged and grown by the opposition, is a large part of what is going on here.

    It was not entirely a put-up job, no. But it is fed by the unshakable belief that the unwoke are perpetually within a hair's breadth of exploding into fascism. Yeah, any day now, since 1968. Be vigilant, comrades.

  4. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Well, now there's a federal department to discourage the spread of disinformation so no one will have to worry about insinuations and accusations of fraud being spread around the internet.

    Somewhere, George Orwell is covering his eyes and sighing, "It wasn't an instruction manual."

