How to Get That Old Country Sound

Last we heard Buddy Brown here he didn't fare so well. He's an openly conservative country musician with a sense of humor, but he's playing contemporary country and it sounds like all the rest on the radio today.

Now he's put out an album in an early 70s style. This quick video explains all the stuff he did to try to get that sound. I'm not that familiar with everything that goes into making an album, so it was interesting for me. It explains why it's hard to put out songs like Merle's today.

Here's one of the songs from the album:

If you don't mind some bawdy language, here's a fun one:


  1. Good God. It’s terrible, but even so, it’s so much better.

  2. Yeah, I kinda like the music behind him. His backup band is probably pretty good.

    But, maybe this is how revivals begin.

  3. I'd pay to see the backup band, but him- authenticity isn't really his thing.

    I still remember an old school country band that was playing background music in the mezzanine above a Reno casino diner. Pedal steel and all. They were *good*.

  4. Huh. What do you mean by 'authenticity' here?

  5. I think what it means is that it’d be better if he wast part of the song. It’s a shame. He just doesn’t have it.

  6. For me, it seems to me like he's marketing, not making music.
    The perfectly groomed beard using a template is kind of a tell too, if you ask me.
    Just my gut sense about him. That and I agree with Grim.

  7. "But Waylon's guitar had that sound..."
