A Beautiful Morning

More wrench-turning this morning. I actually like vehicle maintenance as long as nothing goes wrong. This morning I set up my grandfather’s old air wrench, which is a joy to use. If I had a better compressor, I imagine that there’s little it couldn’t handle. As it is, even the little compressor is adequate to most jobs. 

Little stuff today: an oil change and rear brakes. Hopefully it will be a pleasant job on a beautiful morning. 
UPDATE: And it’s done, a little before noon. 


  1. raven7:14 PM

    " actually like vehicle maintenance as long as nothing goes wrong. "

    I heard of this happening once......it was in some remote camp up in the Sierras.
    Never been proven, though.

  2. May lightning strike me, the only thing that went wrong today was that some guy installed the pads upside down the last time, so it took me a few minutes to figure out why I couldn’t pry out the piston from the top.

  3. That air wrench has all the right kinds of wear on it. Hadn't seen the name Sioux on air tools in a long time- they're still in business, interestingly enough.

  4. So update on that: nothing went wrong during that session, as far as I can tell, but one of the tin hardware seats for the brake pads somehow came off in the driveway later. I'm not exactly sure how that did or could have happened, since the thing is hammered onto the caliper and then has the brake pad to hold it in place (with a "C" structure one one end, even). So I did have to pull that wheel back apart just long enough to re-install it.

    The gremlins have been fed.
