The Feast of St. Patrick

St. Patrick warns of dragons:
The Most High does not accept the gifts of evildoers. The one who offers a sacrifice taken from what belongs to the poor is like one who sacrifices a child in the very sight of the child's father. Riches, says Scripture, which a person gathers unjustly, will be vomited out of that person's stomach. The angel of death will drag such a one away, to be crushed by the anger of dragons. Such a one will the tongue of a serpent slay, and the fire which cannot be extinguished will consume.

I have read that in Ireland his feast day is generally somber, coming as it always does in Lent. 


  1. Somewhat off topic, but I thought you might enjoy this song. A good song for today.

  2. Thanks, Joel. You don't hear as much WWI music these days.
