Samaritan's Purse

I don't know for sure if this specific report is for real, but Samaritan's Purse, a Franklin Graham organization, claims to have put together an airlifted hospital facility and gotten it to (or at least near?) Ukraine. I know this charity organization pretty well from the good work they did in my little county after we were devastated by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. They rebuilt houses for people who had no insurance. They worked with a particularly difficult constituent of mine, one of those people who do their best to undermine any help they are offered, and were more kind and patient with her than I ended up able to be. All the agents I worked with were deeply compassionate but practical people who kept their eyes on the ball. No bureaucratic box-checking or pettiness at all, just good stewards of donated funds. Anyway, I donated and encouraged my neighbors to do the same.


  1. Tex, it’s real. I’m an ER doc. I’ve gone with SP to the field hospital they set up outside of Mosul in 2017. I’ve been with them to several other locations, and I’m currently trying to be available to work in this field hospital in Ukraine. In Iraq, we treated all comers, although we never got Coalition forces as patients, since they had their own facilities. We treated Iraqi army, Peshmerga, Iraqi allied militias, and Daesh. The goal is to provide high quality medical care and share the love of Jesus.

  2. God bless your efforts, Larry. I've passed this information on.
