Army Approves Lower Standard for Women

The ongoing saga of the Army's new fitness test has reached a crescendo. As you will recall, the Army declared it was getting rid of its 'old fashioned' fitness test -- which consisted of a two mile run, pushups, and situps -- in favor of a new-fangled "Combat Fitness Test" that would test a wider range of capacities more directly related to the things you'd really do in combat. Unlike the old test, too, they declared that the test would be both gender neutral and age neutral.

It turned out that 65% of female soldiers failed the new test, which would have had to result in their expulsion from the force. The rest scored notably lower than male soldiers, which would have made them less able to obtain promotions as enlisted promotions are partly based on fitness scores. So, they started talking about redesigning the test -- but not, we were assured, in a way that would hold women to lower standards.

The next step was to admit that women would have to be scored only relative to each other, and not relative to the men in order for them to remain promotable under the new system.

That was not sufficient either. The test will now scrap the events women couldn't pass, and allow both women and older men to pass with lower scores

At this point, then, the ACFT has comprehensively failed: it will neither be age nor gender neutral, it will not hold women to equal standards, it has eliminated test of combat-related capacities that are difficult for women, and it has become thoroughly a political exercise designed to produce desirable results rather than to serve as a fitness exam. In addition, it still has the logistical problems that come from swapping from equipment-free events like running or pushups to tests that require equipment to perform. 

Comprehensive failure is becoming the norm, I notice, whenever the brass gets involved.


  1. Looks at post above.
    Looks at post below.

    But, they aren't gonna reward Nazis.

  2. A comment at ChicagoBoyz: He proposes that they use mission-oriented tests.

  3. That's a good comment, and a practical solution, so I assume it comes from an enlisted man.

  4. Comprehensive failure is becoming the norm, I notice, whenever the brass gets involved.

    So the brass has taken over for the politicians.

  5. The brass *are* politicians. I mean, certainly being able to navigate in political waters is a necessary skill for FO/GOs but they're flat out policy makers now. Mark Hertling blocked me on twitter for merely saying FO/GOs were of course political in some aspects out of necessity. Can't let the truth go uncontested.

  6. Douglas -- I have enjoyed folk etymology suggesting the expression "old fogie" (or "old fogy" ) originally arose in the military as a reference to "Flag Officers" in various acronyms approximating FOGI. Flag Officer's 'Good' Ideas. Flag Officer General Idiocy... etc. Any opinions on that matter?

  7. Haha!! I find that hilarious. Alas, it seems to have an older origin than that-
    Also, it's apparently "Fogey" (I too would have had it wrong!).

  8. I’ve known of a few senior enlisted Good Idea Fairies, but it’s true, most of them are officers.
