Another Gigantic Bill No One Read

It's almost three thousand pages, released after midnight and voted on the same day by the House. It passed, of course, because Congress is full of scoundrels. Amber Athey skimmed at least some of it and found quite a bit of waste. unspecified portion of the nearly $4 billion available in bilateral economic assistance — meaning direct transfers from the United States to other countries — shall “be made available for programs to promote democracy and for gender programs in Pakistan.”

Gender programs in Pakistan? How much are we sending to Saudi Arabia? They're actually making progress on that front. 


  1. Among all those I've ever met who self-identify as liberal or progressive or woke, all are familiar with the idea of Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs".

    Gender affirmation is very very VERY much a luxury 'need'. Who will deny a fellow human being safety, shelter, food and water, warm clothing, dry bedding, etc ... because that needy person prefers obsolete pronouns?

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    For these folks it is not a Luxury, its essential to there plan! Your not dealing with rational people. They are Demonic.

    Your dealing with
    thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers

    [Colossians 1:16]
    "[16] For in him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and in him."

    Therefore Read "Not entirely crazy woman":

    Two Posts

    If you view it through the eyes of faith and you believe in Jesus it makes sense

