Prayers for Truckers

Tonight the claim is that 'all measures are on the table,' as convoys appear in France, Australia, and New Zealand as well. 
Yesterday, [Ontario Premier] Ford’s government froze nearly $11 million of their money.

Today, Ford declared a state of emergency and said anyone blockading border crossings or Ottawa streets could be hit with a $100,000 fine or a year in jail.

People have been living with governments enacting a steady stream of unconstitutional edicts with no parliamentary oversight and little political opposition, so I’m not sure “state of emergency” feels like much of a departure from what’s become the new normal.

It’s this descent into the permanent emergency that has galvanized the trucker convoy in the first place.
That's why they can't afford to lose -- and neither can we. Support your local outlaws.


  1. If all measures are 'on the table' then that would naturally include a dropping of the mandates and sweeping resignations. Things are moving in the right direction!

    'Wrong & Strong' is not usually a winning strategy in the long run, in my experience.

  2. Has any news source recently returned to the concept (and "goal post") of *Herd Immunity*?

    I'm so old I remember in the early days of the various vaccines being only available in limited quantities and prioritized to certain groups and requiring those who wanted vaccination to drive long distances and wait in long lines ... that is, I'm more than a year old that I remember the goal was to get some majority percentage of the at-risk population vaccinated. Once 70% or 85% or some number (the "science" was variable, not settled) then we could consider the "herd" to be immunity, the "curve" to be flattened, and the "spread" to be halted.

    The Convoy against mandates is comprised of a labor group that is, reportedly, about 90% (NINETY PERCENT) vaccinated. If some of the remaining group had prior infection, they too are immune. What's the point of mandating more burdens on the fraction of the herd that has freely chosen to remain at risk?

    Or, what in the "science" of herds and curves and trends that has actually changed?

  3. I apologize for crappy (hasty) spelling in my previous comment.

  4. ymarsakar8:21 AM

    Minor side warning.

    The person beaten at DC J6, was from Kennesaw, Georgia. Because she was living in my territory and domain, which barely reaches from Stone Mountain, as a Son of God, I will hereby directly authorize a strike from the heavens at that police department in approximately 3 months or 90 days from today, if they don't fk up the people responsible before then.

    Call it nuking them from orbit, just to make sure.

    I suggest anyone who has anything valuable there or people who you care about, that they should evacuate at around the 90 day mark. Take a temporary vacation. People will need it.

    DC is plenty empty anyways.

    I don't care what Donald, Putin, China, or the Q Alliance is doing. There is a price to pay when you go against a prophet of God's word.

  5. ymarsakar8:27 AM

    Or, what in the "science" of herds and curves and trends that has actually changed?

    This bio weapon shot is not like any "waxxine" you have been told about before.

    Thus you need to remove all preconceptions and look at it with some fresh eyes. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA insertion technology, is a good starting point.

  6. So, just to be clear for our readers from the FBI, this is a purely metaphysical threat you’re making toward the federal police. They’re to expect angels or something.
