Good news on the Texas border

 Not about immigration, of course, just about the defection of a large swath of formerly loyal Democratic voters to the GOP.

I've always thought it was "swathe," by the way, but that turns out to be the Brit spelling.  These are things I learn by obsessively working the Wordle puzzle, which is based on 5-letter words.


  1. I know and served with several people who insist that "the border crossed us" -- in that their ancestorial families have been in Texas (and the U.S.) since before there was a Texas.

    The Dallas area political scene includes a loose collection of interested voters under LULAC (The League of United Latin American Citizens -- Take note of the word "citizen" in there.) LULAC seems, to me, intent to take the role historically filled by Presbyterians in the disputes between English Catholics and English Anglicans. Definitely swing voters.

  2. A comment on this post on the same topic notes that even in Harris County (Houston) the number of Republican early voters exceeds the number of Democrat early voters by 10K.

  3. If their actual families were in land they believe they should occupy now I would have some sympathy. A positive tracing has meaning. More usually it is vaguer than that, the idea that "we" (people who came from somewhere in the vast expanses of Mexico) used to own "this," meaning pretty much the whole Southwestern US.

    We do that with animals, too. "Well the bears were here before we were. We are on their land." These particular bears? Direct ancestors of these particular bears? In this precise territory, not a hundred miles away? It's a feeling, not a fact.

  4. That's interesting about Harris County. I'm pleased to see that turnout is high in my own small county as well--maybe 50% over 2018 levels, though obviously still below presidential-year 2020 levels--in the primary. Early voting is now over; the election itself will be Tuesday March 1. I hope a large turnout portends trouble for the incumbent County Judge.

  5. Turnout here, by the way, is almost entirely a Republican phenomenon. Even most Democrats tend to vote in the Republican primary here, because it's rare for a Democrat to file for a local position.
