A Small Story of No Particular Importance

Durham’s court filing claims that Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid a tech company to hack into Donald Trump’s servers in his residence and in Trump Tower during the presidential campaign. The surveillance continued on into the White House when he became president.

It can't be important because it's not mentioned at all on the front page of the Washington Post today, nor the New York Times. ABC mentions someone being stoned to death in Pakistan, but not anything about this. Even FOX has nothing about it on the front page. 

Well, it's just a court filing. 

UPDATE: Not on the front page, but FOX did at least have a story about it.


  1. Don Surber's maxim: No excitement until indictment.

  2. It's also been all over Fox News' television programming.

    Eric Hines

  3. ymarsakar3:46 PM

    Same thing they did to Nixon. They are just surprised people objected to it when they cheered it on when used against Nixon.
