Songs from World War II

It's about 3 hours of 1930s and '40s music focused on WWII. Some of the song titles are great:

  • The Washing On The Siegried Line
  • Where Does Poor Pa Go In The Black-Out?
  • They Can't Black Out The Moon
  • The Deepest Shelter In Town
  • Could You Please Oblige Us With A Bren Gun?
  • Der Fuehrer's Face
  • The Thing-Ummy-Bob (That's Going To Win The War)
  • Don't Let's Be Beastly To The Germans
  • I'm Gonna Get Lit Up



  1. I love "Der Fuehrer's Face", it's one of my favorite Spike Jones songs of all time.

  2. Yeah, it's a good one.

    Something that surprised me reading down the list of titles was how many of them were humorously dealing with the war.

    Not much of that kind of spirit today, it seems.

    The only song I can immediately think of from the recent wars is Toby Keith's "The Taliban Song". There are probably more, but I can't think of any.

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The innuendo in some of the WWII songs . . . Lots of "wink, wink" if you are old enough to catch it. And if not, hey, they're fun and witty songs.


  4. Our war wasn’t a whole-society experience.

  5. Yes, that was my answer as well. In particular, in two ways: Few in our society had any real role in the war, and there was a sizeable chunk who spewed propaganda to undermine it.

    Unlike Londoners in WWII, who lived with the bombing and blackouts, if nothing else.
