More good news

During Kyle Rittenhouse's trial, the prosecutor brought what I thought were vindictive charges against Rittenhouse's friend Dominic Black immediately after Rittenhouse testified to how Black supplied him with a rifle on the day of the shootings.  The prosecutor appears to have thrown in the towel on those charges, or almost.

I can't find the original link, which may have been from PJ Media, but this NY Post article is similar.


  1. Are you sure about that link?

  2. The link is bad, I think.

    Over at Hot Air, they're saying Black took a plea deal:

    "Black had originally been charged with a felony, specifically ‘delivering a dangerous weapon to a minor, resulting in death.’ A conviction could have resulted in serious jail time. But the judge in the case has accepted a plea deal worked out between prosecutors and the defense, allowing Black to plead guilty to ‘contributing to the delinquency of a minor’ and pay a relatively modest fine."

  3. ymarsakar7:16 PM

    No justice, no peace.

    Prepare for war.

  4. Good, no felony means gun ownership rights are preserved, also.
