I have another theory

 A NYT writer muses (link is to HotAir, not NYT) on why people are having public tantrums:

Being told you can’t have x, y, or z is no longer just a disappointment, it’s a challenge and a reminder that you’re not in control of anything. And I think that when you cram a bunch of people already feeling that way into a tight space like an airplane, it’s not surprising that a lot more fights are breaking out than usual.
Maybe something else to consider is why a lot of people failed to learn any life strategies for situations when they didn't get exactly what they want as soon as they demanded it.


  1. Stoicism to the rescue.

  2. Add just a smidge of adulthood.

  3. raven1:09 PM

    We have had two years of 24/7 fear imposed, arbitrary restrictions on actions,and we are surprised when people act out? Plus unknown effects in the brain from that safe as houses vaccine? It's wonder so many seem to be holding on.

  4. "The customer is always right" corporate return policies fed into this. I remember working at Sportmart one summer, and people would buy a pair of shoes, wear it for a time, and then return them for some ridiculous reason, or no reason at all, because the corporate policy was to accept any return of any item for any reason (with receipt being the only caveat). Insanity. We bred a whole generation and a half of people like this.
