Enchiridion XIX


You can be unconquerable if you enter into no combat in which it is not in your own power to conquer. When, therefore, you see anyone eminent in honors or power, or in high esteem on any other account, take heed not to be bewildered by appearances and to pronounce him happy; for if the essence of good consists in things within our own power, there will be no room for envy or emulation. But, for your part, do not desire to be a general, or a senator, or a consul, but to be free; and the only way to this is a disregard of things which lie not within our own power.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting take on "Every battle is won before it's fought."

    Of course, it goes back again to the idea of disregarding things not in your control. I first heard that (IIRC) in Steven Covey's 7 Habits. He talks about focusing things in the "zone of control," not things you can't do anything about. And, of course, he says up front his work is just a synthesis of others who came before him.
