Canadian President Flees Country

Now that’s a headline I thought I’d never see. Afraid of a few truckers — his own fellow citizens, the guys who keep the logging and cattle industries on the road. What a spineless coward. 


  1. Relocating south in winter is rarely a dumb move, but it is a little startling to see Mr. Trudeau choose the U.S. as a safe haven from all that awful Canadian right-winginess. I suppose this would never have happened with Mr. Trump in the White House.

  2. I can't find any confirmation of that unnamed "Israeli source," though.

  3. I mean, it's widely reported that he fled, but not so much exactly where he's cowering.

  4. It’s the sort of story that shouldn’t be true, I agree. I would have thought that Canadians could talk through their differences without fear or flight.

  5. I would have thought that Canadians could talk through their differences without fear or flight.

    Using Macron's logic--disagreeing with a government mandate--these truckers aren't really Canadian citizens, anyway, so the government in the person of the Prime Minister, faced with invasion by aliens with unacceptable views, must flee for survival.

    The original reporting, at least that I saw, had it that he was sequestering himself and his family in an undisclosed location because he'd been exposed to the Wuhan Virus. His sequestration was expected to be for 3-5 days. Which was how many days ago, now?

    Eric Hines

  6. "I mean, it's widely reported that he fled, but not so much exactly where he's cowering."

    Coward, SC?
    The Hideout, PA?
    Hideout, UT?

    Or maybe closer to home...

    Hideaway, Tx?
    Runaway Bay, Tx?
    Castroville TX? (ha ha ha - a little inside family joke, there)

  7. He is probably afraid of a Ceausescu moment. But in running, he is done. No one will have anything to do with him now. All self respect gone.
    Predictions are tough, especially about the future,(Y.Berra) but I don't think he lasts a week. Apparently the protests are spreading across Canada. A cascade preference is showing up.

  8. He has the support of the governments of Europe and the United States; it'll be hard to oust him, however peacefully and non-Ceausescu-like. But there are more convoys popping up, too.

    The managerial elite has that took over the Democratic Party here, and Labor in the UK, and similar parties through the Anglosphere, never understood the value of common sense. Truckers have common sense because they work for a living, and by nature they travel and talk to people and see things all around the country. Common sense is common, so it may lack the flights of fancy or rhetoric you get from the wise -- though you get few enough of either from the managers. Yet because it is the kind of thing that can make sense to a lot of ordinary people, common sense was the only stable foundation for any sort of democratic republic.

    The experts value expert opinion instead of common opinion, but even where it's genuine expertise (and not just the preference of a different social class) expert opinion lacks just that commonality. It doesn't make sense to the broad run of ordinary people, and thus it can only be kept in place by pressure. China has managed to accumulate enough kinds of pressure to make it work, for now. Canada hasn't, and I doubt that we have either.

    Good. Working common folk have their flaws, but they're generally decent enough to get on with. They mostly want to get back to minding their own affairs, and that is the very source of their decency.

  9. raven2:09 AM

    "Good. Working common folk have their flaws, but they're generally decent enough to get on with. They mostly want to get back to minding their own affairs, and that is the very source of their decency."

    And may be a reason to put decency aside- it will depend on the perceived stakes.
    The fact is, by running away, he ousted himself, in terms of loyalty- better he should have stood up and ranted at the truckers, at least then they may have hated him, now he is just a pathetic laughing stock. And everyone sees it. No Clothes.

    I think what we are seeing here is a large group of people withdrawing consent.
    Happening in the states too-a lot of people simply don't give a damn what the Big Boss Sez anymore. They no longer respect anything to do with the ruling class except it's capacity to use force. And there are not enough goons to quell a nation.

  10. ymarsakar4:01 AM

    He's not a coward, Grim. The people who refuse to kill him, though... what are they afraid of really.

    The dark state has a thousand replacements like J Castro. He's not important. He is given orders to obey and he has to be alive to obey them.

    Just like a pet dog.

  11. ymarsakar4:04 AM

    "I would have thought that Canadians could talk through their differences without fear or flight."

    In a normal world, yes. In my world... no

    "Predictions are tough, especially about the future,(Y.Berra) but I don't think he lasts a week. "

    They will say that J Castro was removed and a new boi or girl will replace him. That new person, same as the old person. Dark state matrix controlled. Same old same old.
