Yuletide mayhem

Normally we're quiet as mice on Christmas. We like to have a Christmas Eve dinner for neighbors, but the day itself we like best to spend home alone together. This year, however, my husband's brother astonished us by suggesting that all his many children are scattered to the winds for one kind of visit or another, and that he and my sister-in-law would like to stay with us for four days over the holiday. That's a lot of family togetherness for a couple of cave-dwellers like us. Fortunately, they're pleasant people, but even better, I hear they're bringing four, count them, four dogs--two of their own and two belonging to an a traveling daughter of theirs. Now that's my idea of a visit! With our own dogs, that will make six dogs and five cats. It's six cats if you count the tom who's been hanging around lately applying for membership. The cats don't come in the house, though, which will limit the comic potential. I vividly remember a dog chasing a cat up the Christmas tree some three or four decades ago.


  1. Yes, my tree is lashed to the wall this year because my wife got a cat after my dog died a little more than a year ago.

  2. I love the dachshunds. And I don't like having pets at all, generally.

  3. This posted earlier, I thought.

    Dackels are the best.

  4. Oh, that should be wonderful! More dogs is better if you can do it and don't have that one dog that won't play nice. When we watch my brother's three dogs along with our two, it's actually almost an easier task than just our two (one being a still very rambunctious puppy!). It's certainly loads of fun being the leader of a genuine pack for a while!
