Smoked Beer

Tonight I had a Rauchbier, which is a smoked lager from Germany. The argument is that until the Middle Ages all beer was like this

This stuff is amazing. I’ve never tasted anything like it. Medievalists and beer lovers alike should seek one out. 


  1. I have had smoky beers, such as the wonderful "Burn the Ships" from Able Ebeneezer in NH, but never a smoked beer. It looks a good deal darker than what I had.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Bamburg, Germany is famous for smoked beer. I had the "near beer" version, and it was quite good. Those drinking the real thing also said it was excellent. [I can't drink alcohol (medical reasons), alas. So I end up the perpetual "Designated Whatever" when I'm over in Europe.]


  3. Looks like a Bock Bier or maybe a Double Bock Bier, although they have a more chocolatey taste. It's been 40 years since I had one so I could be wrong.

  4. I like dark beers, and I've had a lot of them. I've had bocks and double-bocks and tripple-bocks, porters and stouts, black lagers and dark ones. This is really something different. It's the first genuinely new experience I've had with beer in a very long time.

  5. Sounds right up my alley then, you've got me seriously intrigued!
