Guy Clark

Strangely I don't think I've ever mentioned Guy Clark before, or put up any of his music. Spotify came up with these two songs in a daily playlist for me, and I got to thinking how interesting the music is. The first one is a simple story about a man who loves a woman honestly, which is the best and only real way to love; the second is about leaving the city. It reminds me of an exchange from Paint Your Wagon. Lee Marvin's character says, "There’s two kinds of people, them goin’ somewhere and them goin’ nowhere,'" drawing an objection from the mayor until he explains that going to a place that could be called nowhere was the desirable part. 

UPDATE: This one goes nicely with the last post. 


  1. He's a big deal around here, having grown up in Rockport, apparently. It seems there's a Guy Clark retrospective every six months or so. L.A. Freeway and Desperado are two really good songs.

  2. That's good stuff!
