A Biker Rock Advent

YouTube being an interesting space, here's an opera coach reacting to the same video you just saw. It's worth watching it again just to see her face as she listens to it.



  1. Thanks! I enjoyed both. I particularly enjoy listening to experts walk through things like this. I liked the singing, but I would never have pulled all of that out of it.

  2. I’d be curious to hear if the singer knew he was putting all that into it.

  3. Me, too. She seems convinced he's had some amount of training because he is doing all of these things seemingly intentionally. I'm curious.

  4. She's like us in a high school English Lit class: "Now, students, what do you think the author meant by this passage?" and us kids started making up stuff because it was fun to make up off-the-wall interpretations and then defend our own and argue others'.

    Eric Hines

  5. Oh, that's fun!
    He's got quite a voice- I've only listened to the first video and his range- both in pitch and tonally is impressive. He's clearly moving up and down from nose to mouth to throat and chest (yes, my brief stint in the church youth choir paid off a little). Quite skilled. Now let's see what she's saying- Yes, well, also interesting. I agree he's probably trained or at least studied ans self trained (much easier in the age of you tube!). In the past I'd have guessed he was just talented and experimental by nature and learned hueristically (I think I'm using that correctly), but now it's so easy to get information and access to the knowledge of experts, I'd expect he's done just that.

  6. Oh, also, the metal vocalists were always the most serious of the popular genre singers (technically).

  7. He's very good. Many rockers are trained musicians, of course, and I'd wager he's studied a lot.

    But I enjoyed her critique more than I enjoyed the performance. I've watched quite a few of her reaction vids and often feel that way.

  8. Ymarsakar7:30 AM

    I thought grinch s problem was not his service to self schemes but simply that they were too kind, too open, and not clever dark enough.

    Meanness is not grinch but there is a purpose to dark ruthlessness whereas grinch is kinda like a sappy strawman of a villain.

    Real darkness looks like salvation. As satan equals santa.
