We'll do better next time

"Bottom line is, we simply came up short. The votes in the key 3 a.m. demographic just weren’t there.” Also, I can't get over the NJ trucker who upset the state senate president with a shoestring campaign. Not that anything untoward would ever happen in a state like NJ, but you have to think that if anyone had noticed what was going on they might have prepared a little package of extra ballots. As the joke goes, though, they probably were printed in China and got hung up on a container ship.


  1. You'll be pleased to know that 20,000 ballots suddenly showed up someplace in that District, according to the loser.

    So it ain't over yet.

  2. They did, but although the incumbent hasn't conceded, no one seems to be paying any attention to him, either. An unusual good sign.
