Veterans' Day

I especially extend greetings to those of you who fought in Afghanistan, so ignobly abandoned this year. It has been long obvious that our strategy in Afghanistan was fatally flawed, but that does not excuse the reckless and heedless way in which the retreat was managed. It could have been better, and it is not your fault that it was not.

Yet wherever you fought, and however it ended, remember Conan's prayer. When next we fight, let it be in a great cause and for a good end. Fortuna audaces iuvat.


  1. I believe you have indicated that you served in Iraq at one time. Thank you for your service.

    I was lucky in that during my time in service, there weren't any wars, unless you count the unofficial start of the "war on terror" in November of 1979.

  2. I was in Iraq in the latter part of 2007, and then both 2008 and 2009, about half each of those years. This was not in military service, however, but as a member of the Iraq Advisors Task Force. This was a largely forgotten intelligence effort, mentioned in passing here in the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, which was aimed at supporting American military operations. My work focused on helping the Army understand how to work with the tribes in Mahmudiyah and the Mada'in.

  3. I appreciate the motivational words, and Conan's prayer. Semper Fi!

  4. Semper Fi, Joel.
