They're pretty much lying to you all the time

Drew Holden gives a good summary of how blindingly bad the anti-Rittenhouse propaganda was.  I'll just add two more examples:  GoFundMe and Fundly shut down defense funds in August 2020, and Facebook started removing pro-Rittenhouse statements, and even videos, in September 2020.


  1. This will go on unabated. They will simply declare that this is some gross miscarriage of justice that proves how racist white America is, and the way they refer to these events a year from now will continue to exclude the facts.

    They don't need Facebook and GoFundMe to exclude reality, it just makes it a little easier and provides justification. See? All the objective platforms know that he was guilty, that's why they wouldn't support this.

  2. I don't know how to differentiate between lying and play-acting for effect. They have different definitions and they are quite different in theory. The latter includes some...

    No. No. I am not seeing how we discern the difference in practice. They believe what they say at some level, but it is tied up with an entire network of things that must, simply must be true and must be preserved. It then becomes a real question of what they believe about discrete events.

  3. "They believe..."

    "The problem with trying to make yourself more stupid than you are is that you often succeed."

  4. Part of the problem you posit, AVI, is a result of the way the Marxist framing of dialogue as power struggle has wholly corrupted our attempts to exchange ideas and information.

    The distinction that has been lost between lying and exaggeration is not as important as the loss of distinction between lying and being wrong, or having reach a different conclusion from a common set of facts. The result of the infamous 'conversation' is not for all to achieve a closer approximation of understanding reality but the enforcement of conformity to single all-encompassing narrative.

  5. My God, @ James, that is a great line. Where can I use it?

  6. ymarsakar2:32 PM

    You all are being mind controlled.

    This is no lie and is in fact a more profound truth than even the most intelligent humans can comprehend. God's intelligence is not at the level of a human.
