The Most Important Matter

Keeping these people from being in charge matters more than anything else, except for metaphysical matters like salvation of our souls.


  1. And yet, no one of these august personages will answer the simple question of why we should care about a one or two or five degree centigrade rise in global temperature, or increases in atmospheric CO2, given our planetary history. Or even our recent history since the last Ice Age petered out.

    Eric Hines

  2. Arguing facts with these people is a waste of time. Like arguing with a confidence trickster- they know what they want, and they know what game they want to play to get it. Like everything else they do, it is an attempt to gain more control over human beings. Seems like the whole of human history is a struggle between those who want to be free, and those who want to make them serfs.

    The game changes according to the times, but the goal remains the same.
