Gyndyr cryme

Ammo Grrl tells us that Margaret Atwood is the latest target of Twittercide--or as AG puts it, "The moving finger Tweets, and having Twit, moves on."  During the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings I noticed a weird tendency for "Blessed be the fruit" to pop up in social media comments, an apparent reference to the even weirder theory that Justice Barrett was a member of a secret society seeking to put American wymyn in the Western equivalent of burqas.  Anyway, Ms. Atwood, now 81 years old, managed to outlive her hipness and has been shoved out on an ice floe of wokery for some misgenderizing thought crime or another.  AG's conclusion:

Who will be next? Maybe start a Twitter war with Texan Ray Wylie Hubbard, who wrote “Up Against the Wall, Redneck Mother” when he should have written “Up Against the Wall, Neck of Color Birthing Person with a Cervix.” Just FYI, Ray Wylie’s 75th birthday is tomorrow! You gotta love a guy whose autobiography is called A Life…Well, Lived.


  1. " floe of wokery.." I like that, not least because ice floes melt and go away.

  2. If I recall correctly, Atwood came to realization that the transgender agenda is essential erasing the category of 'women', i.e. birthing people, people who this or that, and all the other biological misnomery going on.

  3. Hubbard would probably find the fun in all that.

  4. I like that, not least because ice floes melt and go away.

    But wait--global warming. We gotta fix that.

    Eric Hines
