Good news

A nice thing happened this morning: I connected a found-dog post on my neighborhood's Nextdoor app with a lost-dog post on Facebook, and got finder and loser together for a Thanksgiving reunion. For all the awful things about social media, it's a great way to reunite families and pets.


Ton deuil se changera en une danse joyeuse.
Regard neuf, mains tendues, le cœur plein de refrains.
Vers la ville qui t'attend tu marcheras radieuse,
pour œuvrer au chantier du grand effort humain.

* * *
Your mourning will change into a jubilant dance,
Eyes refreshed, hands reaching, your heart full of song.
Toward the awaiting town, you'll walk bright and beaming
To join in the work on the great human endeavor.


  1. That is good news. Well done.

  2. Cool. For some people, a dog...or cat is their only companion and losing it can be heartbreaking.

  3. We have a pretty good network here for lost and found pets, but I'm always surprised by how many people still don't know how to plug into it. What's needed is a clearinghouse that's so well publicized that the person who's lost or found a dog knows how to get the information out to the people who ought to hear it. Luckily, our animal shelter is, if not 100% no-kill, at least nearly so. For many years now, they haven't put down an animal that was not severely ill. Gradually many of us are learning to trust them, if not to take in an animal, at least to take down the information in case someone calls looking for a lost pet.

    It doesn't solve the problem of people who won't or can't be responsible for their own animals, but it sure helps with the households who only want their beloved pets back.
