Georgia Ballots Missing

The ballot images created by the electronic Dominion systems in almost half of Georgia’s counties have been destroyed, in spite of Federal laws requiring keeping them for approximately two years. 


  1. It appears that your elections people are as corrupt as those in Wisconsin, or maybe moreso.

    Maybe armed guards next time?

  2. Question is, who had custody of those images and legal responsibility for keeping them?...the counties, or Dominion, or was it something that the counties were responsible for but chose to delegate to Dominion?

    It seems unlikely that 74 different counties could have the same problem, unless there was some common point involved, or collusion took place.

  3. ymarsakar6:36 PM

    No worries Grim. I'll deal with them and it won't be pretty.

  4. Oh lords and ladies how I despise the ordinary journalist...

    So, OBVIOUS question being unasked and the answer unreported... do Georgia election officials retain the "images" of Stacy Abram's 2018 election?

    Is it at all possible the two-year retention time limit was up for the 2018 election and files scheduled for deletion, setting up the 2020 files to be accidentally deleted at the same time? Did anybody even ask?
