"Fell Doctors and Fell Doctrines"

 Another very good post from the Orthosphere.

A man did not become a Frenchman simply by taking up residence in France, or because a bureaucrat issued a passport bearing his name.  Nor did a Frenchman remain a Frenchman if French doctors lost the war of opinion and that Frenchman came under the tutelage of fell doctors and fell doctrine.  That Frenchman might murmur, he might even squeal, but his grandchildren, at least, will spit on his grave.

Yes, that is where we are today with many of our children or grandchildren.  

1 comment:

  1. raven9:26 PM

    "I do not like thee, Dr. Fell,
    the reason why, I cannot tell,
    but this I know, and know quite well,
    I do not like thee, Dr.Fell."

    This comes to mind often these days.
