Fear in Ethiopia

The government is collapsing in the face of rebels, and the State Department is worried... chiefly about themselves
The chaos that unfolded as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and the struggle the U.S. faced when attempting to withdraw Americans and allies from the country reportedly caused a wave of mental health issues in the State Department, Politico reported.

The Department of Veterans Affairs reportedly offered its 24-7 support line to help officials work through the strain of the situation, but the State Department turned down the offer, Politico reported. One State Department employee described this decision as “really disturbing” and “a disgrace.”

“The mental health ramifications of the Afghanistan evacuation are not over — we expect employees to potentially have adverse mental health in the months and years to come,” State Department spokesperson Ned Price said while commenting on the reporting, Politico reported.
The American citizens and allies abandoned in Afghanistan may have had some mental health issues as well, though we don't hear a lot about them for some reason. 


  1. Since they are the pivot around which the Universe revolves, it makes sense that they must attend to the slightest internal problems, lest the great engine of the world start to rattle and fall off its bearings.

  2. Not that I discount the impact on sanity of going through a horror like one of these in Afghanistan or Ethiopia, but what I'd be looking to the government for is practical help getting out alive and helping as many other people get out alive as well. The government is the last place I'd turn to for help with mental health. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about the armies of counselors to help people deal with the grief, horror, and guilt that comes with being ineffectual.

  3. Where is the Ad Hoc committee of which Fiona Hill was so proud on this matter? Surely that body can dictate the foreign policy mental health answer.

    Eric Hines

  4. https://www.theblaze.com/news/kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-levi-strauss
