Don't forget the "victims"

They enjoyed long walks on the beach, relaxed barbecues with friends, raping children, beating grandmothers, strangling brothers, and all the other things that show us we humans are in this together.

The soft-focus NPR piece, to give it credit, does cite the bald evidence of the three men's convictions for violent crimes, but somehow the information doesn't seem to penetrate into the author's tone.  Not that it's OK to shoot them on the street on the strength of their criminal records or otherwise shattered and chaotic lives of mental illness, drug abuse, brutality, and complete failure of self-control, but one would think that their background might have some slight bearing on how easy it is to believe that they were enraged, rash, and stupid enough to chase down and endanger an armed teen.

One more example of youths who were about to turn their lives around.  If only their mothers had kept them home that night.


  1. Were they entitled to own those guns?

  2. Not under Federal law. State laws sometimes try to soften the Federal restriction, e.g., Texas allows felons to keep guns after 5 years but only at home. However, they run the risk of a Federal prosecution— probably a small risk, since the Feds rarely take an interest, but a risk.


  4. Fairness and equity are concerns unfairly and inequitably raised in the media.

    For example, if Rittenhouse's "crossing state lines" is relevant, then Rosenbaum's move to Kenosha from Waco is also relevant. Rittenhouse's membership, or not, in "Proud Boys" might fairly be equated to Grosskreutz's membership (documented) in the "Peoples Revolution Movement". If Rittenhouse was unlawfully carrying a borrowed rifle, then Grosskreutz's illegal possesion and unlawfuly concealed carry of a pistol also matters.

    Most of this stuff was quite properly excluded from the trial, but only half of this stuff is excluded from the mainstream news.

  5. Were they entitled to own those guns?
    Not under Federal law.

    Of course they were entitled. The Left and their NLMSM say so. Laws be damned. Those are unfair straitjackets.

    After all, the bald evidence of the three men's convictions for violent crimes only demonstrates how deprived those poor men's lives have been. They should have been treated with kid gloves, given better weapons than a skateboard or a pea-shooter pistol, instead of being shot down in cold blood in the middle of their latest pursuit of their misguided hobby of violent crimes.

    Eric Hines
